Monday, September 10, 2007

Never heard of a Sestina before

Sestina by MDS

Autumn leaves limbless fall down.
Once green with life connected sure
Certain that certain things don't change.
And reality is life and growth and love,
A little boy skips and kicks dead leaves with joy
And laughs as mommy prays he won't trip up.

She recalls he gave her up
Lover's promises of forever let her down
And left her low with growing joy,
That strong would leave her weak for sure.
Like the fair that from itself declines is love,
Blind destiny just another word like change.

Who like sudden spring can change?
The heart's frozen winter and warm up
Ice cold indifference and rekindle love?
Rather hate than this nothing that holds her down.
Security a cracked mirror that cannot be sure
It's illusion of safety will ever return joy

Summers strength, heat and embrace, that joy
Power and redoubtable resolve defying change,
Can anyone, any dream again be that sure?
A young woman with sleepy eyes smiles as she wakes up.
She shivers and says she thinks the down
Feels chilly, and snuggles closer to her true love.

It was meant to be, she whispers to love
Know that you are my eternal joy,
There is no better, though heaven come down.
A little boy asleep, dreams of winning for a change
Of a time, a place, a person who stands to help him up
Who says and means and lives 'of me you can be sure'.

On the shifting deck seasoned feet are sure,
A man is either quick or dead in love
Life holds on to all the choices we will not give up.
From the joy we build for others comes our joy
The laws of nature flatter and dissemble, and never change
Woman or Man the one you hold up cannot let you down.

Never give up, on the seeds of joy,
They are sure as life and their fruit is love
And their only change is to draw more love down.