Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Time to Cry?

*I didn't try to cry*
Too numb inside to realise
Releasing the weight is the way to rise
Too dumb outside bare ghosts and lies

*Why I didn't try to cry*
For help invisible to earthly eyes
Hiding too impossible so many spies
Game over no restart no more live's

*When I didn't try to cry*
I expected and rejected unenlightened advice
I accepted and injected not knowing the price
Not knowing that growing my life was the prize

*No I didn't try to cry*
Still waters slip silently, snow over ice
No grip on this treacherous reality will suffice
How can I lose and lose and not grow wise

*I didn't try to cry*
Taste my tears they're sweet not bitter So very nice
They lubricate the pain and wash the sadness from my eyes
When crying's done, I can see the Sun in brand new skies

*I don't try to cry*
No effort needed, that's why
The weeping, sobbing, wailing, whimpering, blubbering, lamenting cries
Cry of their own volition while inside I smile :-)
*when it's time to Cry*

Monday, January 14, 2019

cyss jan video