Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is the Social Web? - Ecademy

Community : What is the Social Web?

by Thomas Power BlackStar

What does the social web mean to you?

How has the social web impacted you and your business?

What new opportunities or deals has the social web brought to you?

In what ways has the social web changed you and your behaviour?

What further effect do you see the social web having in the future?

These questions are part of his research for his eighth book coming out in 2012. Anything you contribute will be recognised and attributed. Thank you in advance.

What is the Social Web? - Ecademy

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Always giving

What if to give or not to give, does not exist, ad we are all always giving.

The Bedohagi model allows us to follow this natural process.

Living is BEing, being takes effort(energy) and this leads to DOing(Change).

The laws of Entropy, Growth and Decay mean that doing nothing, if that were possible, would be the most energetic activity there could be.

Doing leads to HAving the outcome(s) of action(s).  Having is a function of NOW, the moment, and to have is temporary.  The second principle of thermodynamics, is often interpreted as proof of permanent decline leading to death and annihilation.  The principle being that all changes of state lead to a LOSS of useful energy, including the change from 'having' to 'not having'.

What happens, however, if instead of losing we talk of GIving.  Scientists and engineers often talk about systems 'giving up heat' as if it were a choice not an inevitability.
When we move from 'having' to 'not having' we can make this a conscious, loving decision to give.

What if giving instead of lowering overall energy states, by creating a movement of energy, increases them.

Matthew 5 -41 "Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. -42 Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you."
The Messenger (Bless him and give him peace) said: "When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him."

When we give we create.  What if that act of creation is a process of bringing new energy into the world. 

When we focus on loss do we block the advent of new things and fail to create space for receiving.

If Life is a gift then is to live to give?

Maybe being alive means giving is not an option, how and what you give is, and this defines your BEing.

Live if you wanna Live?  Give if you wanna Live!

Sticks and Stones

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
-Albert Einstein

Monday, July 04, 2011

You're The One For Me

You're The One For Me Dallas Fisher

You're the one for me.
Your eyes are like fire on a cold winter's day
Your soul burns within me
Your touch blossoms my innermost passions
And your voice melts my heart.
You're the one for me.
You are the key to unlocking
My most sacred fantasies.
You're the one for me,
The one that wakens me
When I'm at my deepest sleep
With your passionate ways,
The one that rivets me with
Your beautiful, unique face.
You're the one for me.
You are the one that I want to share
My life, my love with for all eternity.
I will love you always and forever.
You're the one for me.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Cloud offers new horizons for SME's - Ecademy

The Cloud offers new horizons for SME's - Ecademy

Nice article underlined for me by the fact I can now connect my home printer to my home pc and through google cloud I can now print to my home printer from anywhere... that's in the house or from anywhere I can log on to the google cloud.

Scary exciting stuff


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Living in the past

Oh how a picture can take you to a simpler place and a different space..
It can be tempting to live in the past...
I think it's OK to visit those previous happy times...
Just remember to focus on the happy times to come!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Would you be healthier eating a paleolithic diet?

"Since the appearance of behaviorally modern humans perhaps 50,000 years ago and particularly since the Neolithic Revolution of 10,000 years ago, cultural evolution has proceeded more rapidly than has genetic evolution, thereby producing ever-greater dissociation between the way we actually live and the lifestyle for which our genome was originally selected."

A brilliant paper discussing the pros and cons can be found HERE

Extract "Suboptimal circumstances take varying time periods to induce ill effects. Lack of oxygen is lethal in minutes, scurvy develops after months of inadequate vitamin C intake, and insufficient dietary calcium commonly takes decades to produce clinical osteoporosis. Deviations from our ancestral lifestyle—in nutrition, exercise, reproduction, etc.—can produce ill effects during early life, but many individuals appear outwardly healthy well into middle adulthood and even beyond. However, if preagricultural lifeways are truly those for which humans remain genetically programmed, we can expect that, despite our adaptability, most of us will eventually have to pay the piper. The evolutionary hypothesis proposes that chronic degenerative diseases are the price."

In the 21st Century is Speaking in Public the No1 THRILL???
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I can help you deliver powerful, effective and memorable talks, presentations and speeches with confidence, style and presence. When's your next opportunity?

Business Networking | Ecademy

Monday, February 07, 2011

Business Networking | Ecademy

Epigenetics and Pregnancy
by Michael-Don Smith on 7-Feb-11 11:47am
Should Pregnant Women go on a Raw Food Diet {A Raw Food Diet is one where 50 to 80% of the diet is Raw food i.e. where un-cooked, un-processed, and often organic foods form a large percentage of the diet. Raw food advocates typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health of an individual}

"... research is also looking at the influence of various substances from the environment on the epigenetic constitution of organisms, including humans. Diet and epigenetics appear to be closely linked. The most well known example is that of the Agouti mice: they are yellow, fat and are prone to diabetes and cancer. If Agouti females are fed with a cocktail of vitamin B12, folic acid and cholin, directly prior to and during pregnancy, they give birth to mainly brown, slim and healthy offspring. They in turn mainly have offspring similar to themselves" -
So it is possible that Raw Moms gift their children AND their children's children, the health benefits of a Raw Food Diet...
I would be intrigued to know your thoughts?

Business Networking | Ecademy

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Business Networking | Ecademy

Community : Still Raw-n-Smooth

by Michael-Don SmithBlackStarVerified SafeNetworking on 27-Jan-11 9:24pm
I am really into the Raw Food Movement, it really has been the missing ingredient in my personal health and fitness. Quite simply being Raw means 50% to 80% of what I eat is raw, uncooked, as natural as possible and to make it all go down without being 'mushed' by cooking most of what I eat is blended i.e. the magic Green Smoothie... check out get started and let me know how you get on...

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Kapani Mind Body Detox Jan 2011

  Special New Year Seminar Including:

  • Food Matters Video
  • Diet Related Medical and Health Challenges
  • Mind Detox Workshop
  • Body Detox Workshop
  • Smoothie Presentation
  • Juicing For Health
  • Smoothie Tasting Sessions
  • Discussions
Join us for a tasty and nutritious start to 2011 at the Kapani Mind Body Detox Taster
Treat Yourself to a Healthy Start to the New Year
Registration only £17

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Call Sonia NOW! on 07985 670 758