Friday, January 29, 2010


Tannika A Nice Naughty Intelligent Kinda Angel
At first when I saw her I was just another Stranger
Nothing I said made turn her head, look at me
Nothing I did whatever however what could it be
I was'nt scared not upset, made myself a bet
Kindness is deep soon she'd have to speak
And learn that I'm strong enough to appear weak

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bless that License fee

"In the commercial model programming is used to divide the public into demographic groups of supposed gormless consumers, people with no rights whose only purpose is to be titillated and frightened into buying stupid crap they don't need. To help prevent them changing channel they're yanked around by their emotions with sensationalized 'news' coverage, fired up with sex and violence and held with dramatic cliffhangers over ad segments. This model is thus most successful when it has the greatest control over the attention of its viewers, it seeks to disempower people, lest they exercise their freedom to flip over to the competition or turn off the TV and read a book." -

"Sony Connect (for itself and for its content providers) reserves the right to enforce any usage rules with or without notice to you ... your rights to access, download and use the Content are subject to immediate termination, without notice ... AND [you] HEREBY WAIVE, TRIAL BY JURY AND/OR ANY DEFENSES ..." - Sony Connect EULA

"In the socalised model, by contrast, broadcasters are most successful when they best serve the interests of the public. Sure, there'll be some bickering about what those best interests are, but it still means that news can strive for objectivity, rather than ratings and that those making content can focus on what they're doing without having to be attractive to advertisers. This model serves citizens, people whose rights and self-determination are respected, it seeks to empower people. I think it's an excellent model and would love to see the BBC carry this MO into new services as new forms of media and content distribution emerge." -

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Darn it's cold {Jan 2010}

When the rich nations were decimating the rain forests and polluting the atmosphere in the name of progress, and advancement of the dominant 'race', the scientists agreed Gaia could take it... Now it's Africa's turn to develop and eat at the table of Technology, the 'scientists' say NO that can't happen because it would destroy the world... Darn it's cold in January 2010

John Coleman slams global warming

The Lies Of Global Warming

Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore says there is no proof global warming is caused by humans

World War III Clock?

Right NOW:

The US National Debt is:

Refresh this Blog page to watch it rise....

What happens when a bully[America?] can't pay back what it owes?

What happens when the one being bullied[China?] decides to use it's kung Fu?

The current RECESSION, [Peter Schiff] argues, is only the beginning of a larger economic restructuring. The American economy has been destroyed by years of reckless spending and borrowing. And now, the U.S. government is so deeply in debt that at some point in the very near future, he says, its lenders - namely China - are going to come to their senses and cut America off. "We can't have one country that just borrows and one country that just consumes that's supported by the rest of the world. It doesn't work." When this system collapses - and it inevitably must, he insists - inflation will run wild as the U.S. prints money to support its spending habit. Interest rates will jump and everyone will suffer. The real day of reckoning is still to come.

Peter Schiff on Creating Jobs