Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's in your Tea?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my worst enemy, with the worst feeling towards me possible, puts 2 teaspoons of sugar in it, what will happen?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my best friend, by accident and with the best intentions possible, puts 2 drops of deadly poison in it, what will happen?

Your brain is like the tea or coffee...

The intentions of the sources that fill your mind, will not significantly impact the quality of what it becomes filled with!

What you allow into your world is what you allow into your world.

'Good' people can put poor/dangerous/unhelpful thoughts into your mind

'Bad' people can put useful/high quality/helpful thoughts into your mind

Pay attention to the outcomes of your associations not just the activities.

Pay attention to what goes in your Tea!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

my response to 'Economic Violence'

my response to the article 'Economic Violence' is in BLUE

ECONOMIC VIOLENCE - Are You Guilty? If So, What Are You Doing About It?

Have you ever received money from a Chinese person for anything other
than them making change for you?  Yes - I have had several Chinese clients over the years, one of them is a manager of a Wing Wahs restaurant and I did some work on improving Customer Service with him [i.e. African heritage person training chinese person on customer service ;-) ]

 "Have you ever given money to a Chinese person?"  Yes - I eat at Wing Wahs and I've never spent as much as my fee for the training! 
 Yes. This  is an imbalance of give and take  but not an imbalance of value for money!!! 

There is a reason why every Black Ghetto has a Chinese food restaurant, but
there are no Soul Food restaurants in Chinatown  - Because we have not opened any!!!

There are many successful African Carribean restaurants in London and they are increasing all over the UK, Including the stylish Carlton's Caribbean Cusine in Wolverhampton [shameless advert alert] do try it out.
EVERY good quality Caribean restaurant catering for the 96% of UK residents and visitors, i.e. NOT AFRICAN CARIBBEANS, that I know of is doing well, Cottons in London have now opened there 2nd restaurant and you can't swing a cat in Brixton without finding a Caribbean restaurant... despite the shootings.
 Are they all doing equally well? No! some are some arent't that's down to business ability, something we are catching up the chinese with in terms of systems, processes, procedures and business discipline.  WE ARE getting better... we're not there yet obviously... we are getting there though. 

If a Black person tried, the business would be shut down, before it started. Why? Economic Violence? I think not, lack of Economic Education I think so.

Every group of people understands practices and strategically utilizes the
concept of economic violence ???   If every group of people practice this fantasy why does every town in England have a chinese restaurant. a macdonalds, pizza hut, spec savers, etc.

Not violence... Economic know how, all these businesses have systems and practices that make them reliable. cheap. profitable and easy to do business with.

That means purchasing a Black person's service or product
"first" before I purchase any other ethnic group or race's service or product.  - This is Economic suicide

If the product is not fit for purpose or is more expensive or of questionable quality.
 Your response in argument is CHILDISH  
1) If that's your attitudinal posture, then do not get mad if
people don't patronize your Black business (product or service) for fear of
deficiencies.  = if you don't buy mine i'm not buying yours so you better buy mine! 
2) Since when has the uncleanliness of a Chinese food restaurant stopped you
from buying a to-go order of shrimp fried rice, or the messiness of an Arab or
Indian corner-store, gas station or bodega stopped you from purchasing those
pork rinds you love and a soft drink. Have you committed economic violence
on your behalf or against yourself today?  = everybody else's stuff is rubbish too so don't pick on me! 

Black people: Due to our lack of economic militarism, we are losing the fight
for economic independence.  No OUR LACK of ECONOMIC EDUCATION

The European transatlantic slave trade of kidnapping millions of Africans as
Prisoners of War was the biggest gang bang of all time. 
 Use this fact to motivate not to whine!

Stop Eating Pizza,*You're not Italian  - What madness is this! my best friend had a wicked pizza shop on stapleton road in Bristol and black white and yellow were queing for his Ackee and Saltfish pizza, off the back of the lunchtime 'Jamaican' pizzas he sold more cooked food and patties as he atracted the 96% into his restaurant.

This is extremely important as all products and services spring from a cultural
 - and everybody loves our music our language [working class inner city UK young people speak more patois on a daily basis than i did at there age]  and OUR FOOD, we just have not been MARKETING our products to the mainstream effectively.

 (1) An overwhelming amount of people in America, purchase turkey on the third
week of November, every single year.
  -  Great opportunity!  Buy or invest in Turkey farms 

(2) This is the same reason why U.S. federal, state and municipal government
cars must be American cars.    Great opportunity - Buy or invest in American car supplies or repair services 

(3) Selling beef to Hindus won't work.  - That's right not a good opportunity -skip that one.

A further examination of tastes, interests and values reveal that once you adopt
or are coerced into perpetuating the tastes, interests and values of another
group of people you will not only be committing economic violence against
yourself but you will be committing violence against your health.  - IT IS OUR RESPOSIBILITY TO EDUCATE OURSELVES ABOUT OUR HEALTH TOO.
I think this is more to do with LAZINESS on our part in the modern era... Our parents didn't have the internet we do, our parents didn't have mobile phones and access to business finance, we do !

*Example 1: In Hawaii*,  - EDUCATION as defence against corporate greed

*Example 2: I was at a supermarket in Miami,*
 - Education as defence against personal greed 
* Sickle Cell Anemia*.  - Education to set up our own centres for helping our people http://www.wolvssicklecell.org.uk/  

Americans have been forced to develop a taste for everything, other than
African root food,  - aahh poor americans being forced to eat all those nasty things - GET EDUCATED 
**The Opium Wars:  - VALUABLE lesson in Education KNOW YOUR MARKET(enemy) - GET EDUCATED    

**Slavery and the Value of Labor: Adam Smith*  

 what are Black   people now? The biggest one-dimensional pure consumers the world has
ever seen.  - i DON'T THINK SO - particularly in the UK where we make up less than 5% of the population - I personal know what my value is and as an Afrikan I practice humility to divintiy and service to humanity as more Afrikans are educated we will realise the potential of the 2nd largest continent is practically untapped.  the wealth of Africa's people is far greater than it's minerals and land.

The slavery relationship is still the same. If you work a job that pays you
ten dollars per hour and you pay $150.00 to Tommy Hilfiger for his jeans,
you have effectively given 15 hours of your labor to Tommy Hilfiger.
You worked 15 hours for him. When are you going to work for yourself
and your people,  - Or better still get Tommy Hilfiger junior working for you 
Lesson: In your economic life, if you are buying  and not selling you are holding the thin end of the stick whatever the colour of the sales man 



Remember we are all in business! the only question is:
Is it our business or someone elses?

Peace and Love to all our Social Entrepreneurs who create succesful businesses and give back more than they take.

I'm Possible

"The impossible happens somewhere every day that's what makes the possible... possible!" - TOCD

"Alice laughed. `There's no use trying,' she said `one ca'n't believe impossible things.'

`I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. `When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. " Lewis Carroll from Through the Looking Glass

Friday, December 11, 2009

Income Statement

Great business income is the direct result of providing great client and customer outcomes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Be Cautious then Bold!

Many persons are always kept poor, because they are too visionary. Every project looks to them like certain success, and therefore they keep changing from one business to another, always in hot water, always ?under the harrow.? The plan of ?counting the chickens before they are hatched? is an error of ancient date, but it does not seem to improve by age.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


by William Ernest Henley (1849 ? 1903)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A quick History Lesson

If our Children do not know the depth of their history

How will they know the deepest parts of themselves?

"Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research."
Malcolm X

"People pay for what they do,

and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become.
And they pay for it very simply;
by the lives they lead."
James Baldwin

"If you can cut people off from their history,
they can be easily persuaded."

Karl Marx

In business as in life you either make history,
learn from history,
or, very quickly, become history.

The Bedoha Cycle

To be is to be, to not be is to not be, there is no question.
Who do you want to be? that is the 1st question and why? the 2nd.

To do is to change and be responsible for change.
Where do you want to go? is the 3rd Question and How is the 4th

To have is to own and that which you possess possesses you.
What do you want to have is the 5th question, and when is the 6th

Being leads to doing, doing leads to creation, the thing(s) created change the being,
...changed being leads to changed doing, leading to creation, the thing(s) created change the being ...

Friday, November 27, 2009

It's Your Life

Your life is yours, to spend or to invest, the first will be the measure of what you do with the Legacy you received from your ancestors, the second will be the measure of the Legacy you leave to future generations. - TOCD

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Cross Roads Convert

A Change of Heart
‘Crossroads’ was one of South Africa’s miserable shantytowns on the outskirts of Cape Town.  It was also under the flight path of Cape Town’s international airport and unfortunately for the government it was quite visible by visiting journalists.  So Crossroads would be the scene of many bloody riots as the authorities tried to relocate the blacks to another township.

In 1989 black Africans in Crossroads would watch, with a mixture of indifference and amazement, as one tall, well-built white Boer mixed among them, trying in his own way to alleviate their wretchedness. If this sounds familiar of the odd modern missionary hailing from the oppressor’s side, the story of Stoffel van den Berg was certainly not familiar. It was extraordinary.

Stoffel’s ancestors had emigrated from Holland in the eighteenth century and he had never travelled abroad in his life.  He grew up accustomed to having black servants who were there to carry out his slightest whims.  No one is born with prejudice in their hearts although some are introduced to it at an early stage and this was certainly true of Stoffel.  He sincerely believed in his prejudice against the black Africans.  At his first primary school this unthinking prejudice was simply reinforced, with classes full of white children being taught only by white teachers. The few blacks he saw cleaned the lavatories that they were not allowed to use themselves.

Stoffel proved to be above average in the classroom and by his final year of school this six-foot-two Boer was a superb, outstanding cricketer. There was talk of his joining the national elites – the Springboks. His cricket career rocketed and he soon captained the team of the university he attended.

Upon graduating, he was recruited by Barclays Bank; it was made clear to him at the interview that his first priority was to ensure that Barclays won the Inter-Bank Cricket Cup.  Springboks informed him that he was being considered for the national South African team. So he followed the matches in England with keen interest but eventually this country’s team never played in South Africa for colour prejudice reasons. Stoffel was utterly disappointed but maintained his firm belief in apartheid. Outspoken, he got himself heard publicly.

‘I do not understand why the Government does not hang Mandela and his cronies!’

By the time he was thirty and married, the white National Party had spotted him as a prospective candidate for the coming general elections. He accepted the offer and jumped on the bandwagon of political campaigns and meetings, his racial prejudice peaking to an all time high.

On a Friday 18thAugust 1989, he was late for a meeting and drove at full speed along a road which fortunately was familiar to him. But he misjudged his timing when overtaking a lorry and smashed head-on into an oncoming vehicle. His car bounced violently across the road and ended up in a clump of trees. That was the last thing he remembered.

Stoffel regained consciousness six weeks later to find his wife, Inga standing at his bedside. When she saw his eyes open, she grasped his hand and then rushed out of the room to call for a doctor.

The next time he woke they were both standing by his bedside, but it was another week before the surgeon was able to tell him what had happened following the crash.

Stoffel listened in horrified silence when he learned that the other driver had died of head injuries soon after arriving at the hospital.

'You're lucky to be alive,' was all Inga said.

'You certainly are,' said the surgeon, 'because only moments after the other driver died, your heart also stopped beating. It was just your luck that a suitable donor was in the next operating theatre.'

'Not the driver of the other car ?' said Stoffel.

The surgeon nodded.

'But … wasn't he black ?' asked Stoffel in disbelief.

'Yes, he was,' confirmed the surgeon. 'And it may come as a surprise to you, Mr Van den Berg, that your body doesn't realise that. Just be thankful that his wife agreed to the transplant. If I recall her words,' he paused 'she said, "I can't see the point in both of them dying." Thanks to her, we were able to save your life, Mr Van den Berg.'

He hesitated, then said quietly, 'but I am sorry to have to tell you that your other internal injuries were so severe that despite the success of the heart transplant, the prognosis is not at all good.'

Stoffel didn't speak for some time, but eventually asked, 'How long do I have?'
'Three, possibly four years,' replied the surgeon. 'But only if you take it easy.'

Stoffel fell into a deep sleep.

It was another six weeks before Stoffel left the hospital, and even then Inga insisted on a long period of convalescence. Several friends came to visit him at home, including Martinus de Jong, who assured him that his job at the bank would be waiting for him just as soon as he had fully recovered.

'I shall not be returning to the bank,' Stoffel said quietly. 'You will be receiving my resignation in the next few days.'

'But why ?' asked de Jong 'I can assure you … '

Stoffel waved his hand. 'It's kind of you Martinus, but I have other plans.'

His first move was to go and thank the dead driver’s wife in Crossroads. The blacks watched the tall-fair haired man sullenly as he walked among the shacks.

He finally met the widowed wife.

She refused all the help he tendered.

‘Perhaps you and your child would like to come and live with us.’
‘No thank you master.’

‘I have been blind,’ he told his wife as she drove him back home.
‘Me too, but what can we do about it?’

‘I know what I must do.’ His wife listened to the plan of his short life ahead.

The next morning Stoffel called in at the bank, and with the help of Martinus de Jong worked out how much he could afford to spend over the next three years.

'Have you told Inga that you want to cash in your life insurance ?'
'It was her idea, ' said Stoffel.

'How do you intend to spend the money ?'
'I'll start by buying some second-hand books, old rugby balls and cricket bats.'
'We could help by doubling the amount you have to spend,' suggested the General Manager.

'How ?' asked Stoffel.

'By using the surplus we have in the sports fund.'
'But that's restricted to whites.'
'And you're white', said the General manager.
Martinus was silent for some time before he added. 'Don't imagine that you're the only person whose eyes have been opened by this tragedy. And you are far better placed to … ' he hesitated.
'To …? ' repeated Stoffel.
'Make others more prejudiced than yourself, aware of their past mistakes.'

And so it was that Stoffel returned to Crossroads. He walked around the township for hours before he settled on a piece of land surrounded by tin shacks and tents.
Although it wasn't flat, or the perfect shape or size, he began to pace out a pitch while hundreds of young children stood staring at him.

The following day some of those children helped him paint the touchlines and put out the corner flags.

For four years, one month and eleven days, Stoffel Van den Berg travelled to Crossroads every morning, where he would teach English to the children in what passed for a school.

In the afternoons, he taught the same children the skills of rugby or cricket, according to the season. In the evenings, he would roam the streets trying to persuade teenagers that they shouldn't form gangs, commit crime or have anything to do with drugs.

Stoffel died four years, one month and eleven days after 18 August 1989.

The funeral of the ‘Cross Road convert’ was attended by over 2000 mourners who had travelled from all over the country to pay their respects. The journalists were unable to agree whether there had been more blacks or more whites in the congregation.

* * *

A story based on true incidents?

'A Change of Heart' in To Cut a Long Story ShortJeffrey ARCHER, 2000

Thanks to Tim Grimsley for sharing this story with me


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

21st Century Progress

"21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found.
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind
To the 20th century deadline" - Green Day - Billie Joe Armstrong

Historically, while winning the fight for the rights of the individual we failed to protect the rights of the community.

Now we live in an increasingly fragmented and dysfunctional society, full of the fear and pain caused by solitude, selfishness and the disintegration of the family.

The business and entrepreneurial education required for economic recovery, must include as a matter of the highest priority, the social, human and moral development necessary to ensure everyone will:
be safe,
be able to enjoy life,
be able to achieve; physical, financial, spiritual and emotional wealth,
be able to make a contribution
and be able to own property
as part of a vibrant and caring community.

10 Words of Wisdom from a Very Very Smart Lady

"To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan; you should wear it inside where it functions best."

"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing."

"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."

"I have a woman’s ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves."

"Of course, it's the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story."

 "There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."
"There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families."

"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction."

"We who are living in the west today are fortunate. Freedom has been bequeathed to us. We have not had to carve it out of nothing; we have not had to pay for it with our lives. But it would be a grave mistake to think that freedom requires nothing of us. Each of us has to earn freedom anew in order to possess it. We do so not just for our own sake, but for the sake of our children, so that they may build a better future that will sustain over the world the responsibilities and blessings of freedom."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Men from an Invisible Land

"You let the white folk worry about pride and dignity — you learn where you are and get yourself power, influence, contacts with powerful and influential people — then stay in the dark and use it!" - Ralph Ellison Author of 'Invisible Man' the greatest novel of the 20th Century

You seem surprised that we are invisible
Could we be otherwise? the very idea it is risible
Newton, 'The' student of the lights
Made it clear
The rainbow combined glows white
The essence of all that is dear
While the presence of darkness like night
Signs the unknown, the ill-formed and the feared

Like the moon, our world is unrevealed
In an eternal noon, where even shadows are concealed
Douglas, ran Prometheus' race
Again and again, to the Harbour of Grace
Henrik, defined a nation to replace
A colour that does not exist in any face
And still you wonder we are not seen in this place
When again and again you choose rhetoric and eschew race

You seem surprised that we are invisible
Could we be otherwise?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Prayer

There is darkness in the world.
There is darkness in our lives.
I cannot eliminate the darkness
I can only illumine it
but a little
With my very own flame
Struck bright by divine spark
Struck bright from within
We have come to this place
to be together
Add your light to mine
Let us add ours
to another
and another
and another
So that if my light should burn low
I might stand close with you
for a moment
And not be lost in the darkness
yet again.
-Author Unknown


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What you see is what you get

“When you change the way you look at things
 – the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer et. al.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Juice is the real me

"When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature.... And she is so full of peace that though she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace."
St. Catherine of Genoa

My Useful Beliefs

These beliefs are not necessarily true
They are Very Useful for understanding and influencing behaviour
I believe we must know our purpose, understand our natural drives and recognise our  human needs.

3 Keys to Purpose
A powerful Purpose facilitates Living in Flow (Positive Psychology)

Key #1 is Optimism
Because Faith in the Future dramatically determines Performance in the Present
It is incredibly important that we are optimistic
It is incredibly important that every Parent, Coach, Mentor and Teacher be OPTIMISTIC

<> Requires a clear and credible Vision

Key #2 is +ve Motivation
Because every living creature, every woman, man, young woman, young man, every girl and boy is motivated to act,
is designed for action and WILL do SOMETHING, influenced by both internal and external sources
It is of utmost urgency that every parent, mentor, coach and teacher be an influential +VE MOTIVATOR

<> Requires a powerful and persuasive Reason (Why?)

  Key #3 is Service
Because their is nothing new under the sun and because everyone is unique
It is unquestionable and undeniable
That every parent, mentor, coach and teacher must serve as both a follower and a leader

<> Requires a self-confident and selfless Character

4 Natural Drives
The Push From Inside

The Drive for Safety
<> Fear 
<> Fight, Flight, Feed, F?

The Drive for Acquisition
<> Desire
<>  to Grow

The Drive for Inquiry
<> Curiosity
<>  to Learn

The Drive for Love
<> Love
<> of Self, of the Erotic, of Family & Friends, of Nature

3 Human Needs
There are 3 human needs
Each need has a tendency to one of 2 states
A moving away state - >avoid pain< and
A moving towards state - <seek pleasure>

The Pull from Outside

The need to Manage Change
<> The need to Control our world (Purpose)

Comfort, Know what's happening, predictability, being in control, peace

Dis-Comfort, Variety, surprise, being controlled, challenge

The need to Manage Identity
<> The need to Control Self (Self Esteem)

Being Loved, part of a team, conversation

Significance, maverick, silence

The need to Manage Value
<> The need to Control the Interaction between 'self' and 'the world' (Reason)

Growth, >gifts<, valuing, learning, following 

Giving, <presents>, being valued, teaching, leading


Monday, October 26, 2009

Pain -v- Suffering

"You are outside life, you are above life, you have miseries which the ordinary person does not know, you exceed the normal level, and it is for this that people refuse to forgive you, you poison their peace of mind, you undermine their stability. You have irrepressible pains whose essence is to be inadaptable to any known state, indescribable in words. You have repeated and shifting pains, incurable pains, pains beyond imagining, pains which are neither of the body nor of the soul, but which partake of both. And I share your suffering, and I ask you: who dares to ration our relief? We are not going to kill ourselves just yet. In the meantime, leave us the hell alone." - Antonin Artaud

Pain is inevitable
Suffering is an interpretation of meaning

Pain is a fact of life
Suffering is a feeling of powerlessness to stop the pain

The common illusion is that Pain and Suffering are always combined and that the latter automatically follows the former, and it is a tempting and persuasive deceit. Any study, prolonged or brief of dictionaries, novels or religious texts will soon educate that this is far from the case in reality.

Joy and Pain are as often lovers as enemies and in no way like "sunshine and rain" mutually exclusive.

Joy and Suffering are however exact antonyms, opposite in every way as are Happiness and Suffering.

In the same way as the Pain of Labour does not prevent the Joy of giving Birth, the challenges of life can never separate us from the opportunities of life.

Pain = An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.

Suffering = Permitting, allowing, tolerating or enduring evil, injury, pain, or death.

Victims choose suffering as their reason and rationale for poor performance
All great warriors and champions experience pain as a natural part of their journey
It is for those with a journey to make, "...and on it the redeemed will walk. They will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee." - Bible the book of Isiah Ch. 35 v 1-10

We can always do something to change the pain... even if only by a small amount to begin with.. when we have a purpose that means we have to go on, when we have a mission in and for our lives.

"In general usage the preferred preposition after suffer is from, rather than with, in constructions such as He suffered from hypertension. Ninety-four percent of the Usage Panel found suffered with unacceptable in the preceding example. In medical usage suffer with is sometimes employed with reference to the pain or discomfort caused by a condition, while suffer from is used more broadly in reference to a condition, such as anemia, that is detrimental but not necessarily painful." - www.dictionary.com

'Affected by Sickle Cell Syndrome' can be a much more useful term, than 'suffering with sickle cell' and is often preferred by those affected by sickle cell syndrome.

The strength to overcome limitations caused by pain can be found by refusing to suffer because...

What's your because...?

How big is you reason...?

If your why is BIG enough, no pain whatsoever can hold your spirits down, as you anticipate the Joy to come, it will not allow suffering

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Status of the Family

"I shall not pause to detail the calamities which slavery has entailed upon our race in the domain of the family. Every one knows how it has pulled down every pillar and shattered every priceless fabric. But now that we have begun the life of freedom we should attempt the repair of this, the noblest of all the structures of human life.

The basis of all human progress and of all civilization is the family. Despoil the idea of family, assail rudely its elements, its framework, and its essential principles, and nothing but degradation and barbarism can come to any people. If you will think but for a moment of all that is included in this word "family," you will see at once that it is the root idea of all civility, of all the humanities, of all organized society. In the family are included all the loves, the cares, the sympathies, the solicitudes of parents and wives and husbands; all the active industries, the prudent economies, and the painful self-sacrifices of households; all the sweet memories, the gentle refinements, the pure speech, and the godly anxieties of womanhood; all the endurance, the courage, and the hardy toil of men; all these have their roots in the family.
Alas! how widely have these traits and qualities been lost to our race in this land! How numerous are the households where they have never been known or recognized! The beginning of all organized society is in the family. The school, the college, the professions, suffrage, civil office, are all valuable things; but what are they compared to the family? Here, then, where we have suffered the greatest, is a world-wide field for our intellectual anxieties and our most intelligent effort." - Dr Alex Crummell, Washington, D. C. published by J. T. Haley & Company, Publishers. 1897. Quoted from the compilation 'SPARKLING GEMS OF RACE KNOWLEDGE WORTH READING. A Compendium of Valuable Information and Wise Suggestions that will Inspire Noble Effort at the Hands of Every Race-Loving Man, Woman, and Child.'