Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's in your Tea?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my worst enemy, with the worst feeling towards me possible, puts 2 teaspoons of sugar in it, what will happen?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my best friend, by accident and with the best intentions possible, puts 2 drops of deadly poison in it, what will happen?

Your brain is like the tea or coffee...

The intentions of the sources that fill your mind, will not significantly impact the quality of what it becomes filled with!

What you allow into your world is what you allow into your world.

'Good' people can put poor/dangerous/unhelpful thoughts into your mind

'Bad' people can put useful/high quality/helpful thoughts into your mind

Pay attention to the outcomes of your associations not just the activities.

Pay attention to what goes in your Tea!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

my response to 'Economic Violence'

my response to the article 'Economic Violence' is in BLUE

ECONOMIC VIOLENCE - Are You Guilty? If So, What Are You Doing About It?

Have you ever received money from a Chinese person for anything other
than them making change for you?  Yes - I have had several Chinese clients over the years, one of them is a manager of a Wing Wahs restaurant and I did some work on improving Customer Service with him [i.e. African heritage person training chinese person on customer service ;-) ]

 "Have you ever given money to a Chinese person?"  Yes - I eat at Wing Wahs and I've never spent as much as my fee for the training! 
 Yes. This  is an imbalance of give and take  but not an imbalance of value for money!!! 

There is a reason why every Black Ghetto has a Chinese food restaurant, but
there are no Soul Food restaurants in Chinatown  - Because we have not opened any!!!

There are many successful African Carribean restaurants in London and they are increasing all over the UK, Including the stylish Carlton's Caribbean Cusine in Wolverhampton [shameless advert alert] do try it out.
EVERY good quality Caribean restaurant catering for the 96% of UK residents and visitors, i.e. NOT AFRICAN CARIBBEANS, that I know of is doing well, Cottons in London have now opened there 2nd restaurant and you can't swing a cat in Brixton without finding a Caribbean restaurant... despite the shootings.
 Are they all doing equally well? No! some are some arent't that's down to business ability, something we are catching up the chinese with in terms of systems, processes, procedures and business discipline.  WE ARE getting better... we're not there yet obviously... we are getting there though. 

If a Black person tried, the business would be shut down, before it started. Why? Economic Violence? I think not, lack of Economic Education I think so.

Every group of people understands practices and strategically utilizes the
concept of economic violence ???   If every group of people practice this fantasy why does every town in England have a chinese restaurant. a macdonalds, pizza hut, spec savers, etc.

Not violence... Economic know how, all these businesses have systems and practices that make them reliable. cheap. profitable and easy to do business with.

That means purchasing a Black person's service or product
"first" before I purchase any other ethnic group or race's service or product.  - This is Economic suicide

If the product is not fit for purpose or is more expensive or of questionable quality.
 Your response in argument is CHILDISH  
1) If that's your attitudinal posture, then do not get mad if
people don't patronize your Black business (product or service) for fear of
deficiencies.  = if you don't buy mine i'm not buying yours so you better buy mine! 
2) Since when has the uncleanliness of a Chinese food restaurant stopped you
from buying a to-go order of shrimp fried rice, or the messiness of an Arab or
Indian corner-store, gas station or bodega stopped you from purchasing those
pork rinds you love and a soft drink. Have you committed economic violence
on your behalf or against yourself today?  = everybody else's stuff is rubbish too so don't pick on me! 

Black people: Due to our lack of economic militarism, we are losing the fight
for economic independence.  No OUR LACK of ECONOMIC EDUCATION

The European transatlantic slave trade of kidnapping millions of Africans as
Prisoners of War was the biggest gang bang of all time. 
 Use this fact to motivate not to whine!

Stop Eating Pizza,*You're not Italian  - What madness is this! my best friend had a wicked pizza shop on stapleton road in Bristol and black white and yellow were queing for his Ackee and Saltfish pizza, off the back of the lunchtime 'Jamaican' pizzas he sold more cooked food and patties as he atracted the 96% into his restaurant.

This is extremely important as all products and services spring from a cultural
 - and everybody loves our music our language [working class inner city UK young people speak more patois on a daily basis than i did at there age]  and OUR FOOD, we just have not been MARKETING our products to the mainstream effectively.

 (1) An overwhelming amount of people in America, purchase turkey on the third
week of November, every single year.
  -  Great opportunity!  Buy or invest in Turkey farms 

(2) This is the same reason why U.S. federal, state and municipal government
cars must be American cars.    Great opportunity - Buy or invest in American car supplies or repair services 

(3) Selling beef to Hindus won't work.  - That's right not a good opportunity -skip that one.

A further examination of tastes, interests and values reveal that once you adopt
or are coerced into perpetuating the tastes, interests and values of another
group of people you will not only be committing economic violence against
yourself but you will be committing violence against your health.  - IT IS OUR RESPOSIBILITY TO EDUCATE OURSELVES ABOUT OUR HEALTH TOO.
I think this is more to do with LAZINESS on our part in the modern era... Our parents didn't have the internet we do, our parents didn't have mobile phones and access to business finance, we do !

*Example 1: In Hawaii*,  - EDUCATION as defence against corporate greed

*Example 2: I was at a supermarket in Miami,*
 - Education as defence against personal greed 
* Sickle Cell Anemia*.  - Education to set up our own centres for helping our people http://www.wolvssicklecell.org.uk/  

Americans have been forced to develop a taste for everything, other than
African root food,  - aahh poor americans being forced to eat all those nasty things - GET EDUCATED 
**The Opium Wars:  - VALUABLE lesson in Education KNOW YOUR MARKET(enemy) - GET EDUCATED    

**Slavery and the Value of Labor: Adam Smith*  

 what are Black   people now? The biggest one-dimensional pure consumers the world has
ever seen.  - i DON'T THINK SO - particularly in the UK where we make up less than 5% of the population - I personal know what my value is and as an Afrikan I practice humility to divintiy and service to humanity as more Afrikans are educated we will realise the potential of the 2nd largest continent is practically untapped.  the wealth of Africa's people is far greater than it's minerals and land.

The slavery relationship is still the same. If you work a job that pays you
ten dollars per hour and you pay $150.00 to Tommy Hilfiger for his jeans,
you have effectively given 15 hours of your labor to Tommy Hilfiger.
You worked 15 hours for him. When are you going to work for yourself
and your people,  - Or better still get Tommy Hilfiger junior working for you 
Lesson: In your economic life, if you are buying  and not selling you are holding the thin end of the stick whatever the colour of the sales man 



Remember we are all in business! the only question is:
Is it our business or someone elses?

Peace and Love to all our Social Entrepreneurs who create succesful businesses and give back more than they take.

I'm Possible

"The impossible happens somewhere every day that's what makes the possible... possible!" - TOCD

"Alice laughed. `There's no use trying,' she said `one ca'n't believe impossible things.'

`I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. `When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. " Lewis Carroll from Through the Looking Glass

Friday, December 11, 2009

Income Statement

Great business income is the direct result of providing great client and customer outcomes.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Be Cautious then Bold!

Many persons are always kept poor, because they are too visionary. Every project looks to them like certain success, and therefore they keep changing from one business to another, always in hot water, always ?under the harrow.? The plan of ?counting the chickens before they are hatched? is an error of ancient date, but it does not seem to improve by age.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


by William Ernest Henley (1849 ? 1903)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A quick History Lesson

If our Children do not know the depth of their history

How will they know the deepest parts of themselves?

"Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research."
Malcolm X

"People pay for what they do,

and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become.
And they pay for it very simply;
by the lives they lead."
James Baldwin

"If you can cut people off from their history,
they can be easily persuaded."

Karl Marx

In business as in life you either make history,
learn from history,
or, very quickly, become history.

The Bedoha Cycle

To be is to be, to not be is to not be, there is no question.
Who do you want to be? that is the 1st question and why? the 2nd.

To do is to change and be responsible for change.
Where do you want to go? is the 3rd Question and How is the 4th

To have is to own and that which you possess possesses you.
What do you want to have is the 5th question, and when is the 6th

Being leads to doing, doing leads to creation, the thing(s) created change the being,
...changed being leads to changed doing, leading to creation, the thing(s) created change the being ...