Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Your tribe is simply, and when we think about it in the context of our lives, couldn’t be anything more or less than, the people you spend your time with.

Ubuntu = I am who I am because of [my interaction with] you

The people you interact the most with are the closest members of your tribe.

Communication is much less than 50% spoken language

You are all-ways communicating

Words change lives
All the other communications change lives

There is more of the other communication going on
The other communication creates greater and more profound change because the conscious mind is unaware of it and accepts it without resistance, editing or judgement.

Ubuntu = I am who I am because of the irresistible communication I have with you

Your team at work is in your tribe,
Your clients are in your tribe,
The person you go home to is in your tribe,
I am in your tribe even as you are in mine.

I spend more time with you I bring you closer into my Tribe

I am who I am because of your irresistible communication…
I will become who I will become because of the irresistible communication of my tribe

Are you responsible for your communication?

We cannot not communicate, once you know this, and I just told you, so now you know!
You are responsible!
Are you your tribes keeper?

The law of unintended consequences, Karma, what you reap you sow, be careful what you ask for, treat others how you wish to be treated, etc, etc, etc.

The language is rich with evidence of tribal responsibilities

Who do you want me to be?

Communicate it and I have no choice!!!

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