Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's in your Tea?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my worst enemy, with the worst feeling towards me possible, puts 2 teaspoons of sugar in it, what will happen?

If I have a cup of tea or coffee and my best friend, by accident and with the best intentions possible, puts 2 drops of deadly poison in it, what will happen?

Your brain is like the tea or coffee...

The intentions of the sources that fill your mind, will not significantly impact the quality of what it becomes filled with!

What you allow into your world is what you allow into your world.

'Good' people can put poor/dangerous/unhelpful thoughts into your mind

'Bad' people can put useful/high quality/helpful thoughts into your mind

Pay attention to the outcomes of your associations not just the activities.

Pay attention to what goes in your Tea!


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